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The Books

My Life of Rhyme

This is a collection of poems written over many years and for many reasons. There is no connecting overall idea. The subjects range from the sublime to the ridiculous, from a garden party at Buckingham Palace to saving the life of a whale, and in many other directions. I have always wanted to know more. Why was Wordsworth wandering that hill when he saw those daffodils? And what was the inspiration for the word jabberwocky? Words have always fascinated me,.....

Anne’s Angel Came Twice

It is the little things that make a person come to life in a story, the minutiae of daily life. We know the bare bones of the life of these people but that makes them so one-dimensional. I have taken the story we know, and using imagination and Google, have brought them to life in a way that makes them live and breathe naturally.   It is a work of fiction but built on a solid skeleton of fact.